
The future of the E.U. (worst case vs. best case)

  The future of the E.U. (worst case vs. best case) Here are some results of the students workshop about politics for future (The future of the E.U) in cooperation with the german representation of the european commission in Bonn (9th Nov. 2021)….  

Food for future: Teenagers and diet

Teenagers and diet   A result of the german group.......

Teenagers and diet

Spanish students show in a PowerPoint presentation how young people's eating habits have changed over the last thirty years, the conditions related to eating disorders and a proposal for an ideal diet. This was part of the activities included in the mobility in Avola (Italy), in the framework of a wider Erasmus+ project coordinated by the Erasmus-von-Rotterdam-Gymnasium (Viersen, Germany): "Learning for a Future between Tradition and Trend". Along with the coordinating school, there were other centres involved, such as IES Alonso Sánchez (Huelva, Spain), the Cesu Valsts gimnazija (Cēsis, Latvia), and the hosting school, the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Majorana (Avola, Italy).     Teenagers and Diet Leer más publicaciones en Calaméo

Fridays for future: energy policy

Spanish students show in a PowerPoint presentation the current situation in Spain with regard to the different energy sources, the current policies and the possibilities for the future to reduce pollution and overexploitation. It was part of a mobility developed in Viersen (Germany) in the framework of an Erasmus+ project coordinated by the host school, the Erasmus-von-Rotterdam-Gymnasium: "Learning for a Future between Tradition and Trend". Along with the coordinating school, there were other centres involved, such as IES Alonso Sánchez (Huelva, Spain), the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Majorana (Avola, Italy), and the Cesu Valsts gimnazija (Cēsis, Latvia).     Fridays for future: energy policy Leer más publicaciones en Calaméo

Recycle or perish - that is the question!

Spanish students show in a PowerPoint presentation the different ways to recycle our waste to give it a second life and to reduce pollution and overexploitation. It was made by the Spanish students who took part on it on March 19-26, 2023, as part of a wider Erasmus+ project coordinated by the Erasmus-von-Rotterdam-Gymnasium (Viersen, Germany): "Learning for a Future between Tradition and Trend". Along with the coordinating school, there were other centres involved, such as IES Alonso Sánchez (Huelva, Spain), the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Majorana (Avola, Italy), and the hosting school, Cesu Valsts gimnazija (Cēsis, Latvia).   Recycle or perish - that is the question! Leer más publicaciones en Calaméo

Spanish melomania!

Students from IES Alonso Sánchez (Huelva, Spain) review the main Spanish music genres and bands from the 1980s to the present day, arranging them chronologically on PowerPoint slides, as part of the mobility which took place in IES Alonso Sánchez (Huelva, Spain) on November 7-11, 2022. This mobility was part of a wider Erasmus+ project coordinated by the Erasmus-von-Rotterdam-Gymnasium (Viersen, Germany): "Learning for a Future between Tradition and Trend". Along with the coordinating school, there were other centres involved, such as the Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore Majorana (Avola, Italy), Cesu Valsts gimnazija (Cēsis, Latvia), and the hosting school, IES Alonso Sánchez (Huelva, Spain).   Spanish melomania! Publish at Calameo